Sunday, January 18, 2009

Horizons: Electronic Resourses CD-ROM 2 Year 8: Geography 11-14

Using the Just Click teaching solution, the CD-ROM contains a huge variety of teaching and learning material, linked to the pages of the pupil book giving a unique way to deliver lessons and reduce planning time. A wealth of interactive activities, animations, video clips, photographs, maps and images for use on whiteboards and PCs will engage and motivate pupils.

Customer Review: Again, not the best book...

I'm a French teacher at a university in the state of Washington, and I can say neither my students nor myself really like this book. Here are some of the critiques:

1. The audio clips are slightly advanced for 101-102 students, and video clips are WAY beyond their level.

2. There are major problems with the online workbook-not accepting variation, assigning the wrong exercises, etc.

3. Definite articles should be taught before indefinite ones.

4. Vocabulary is very randomly scattered around. For example, when discussing objects in a bedroom, they present chair, table, etc. but we don't get "bed" until 5 pages later.

5. Inversion should be taught with other forms of asking questions.

6. This book doesn't present numbers for pages until after you reach that page. For example, we don't see 30-100 until page 90!!!! For telling time, you need at least 0-60 but telling time is presented before you get to 30-60.

7. "a + le = au" is introduced but not explained. "de + le = du" is introduced but not explained until much later. This is confusing for the students because they were asking "why..." in class and I felt uneasy about explaining what was going on when perhaps the book would get to it later.

8. -er verbs are introduced and explained late in Chapter 1, which really limits the amount of verbs the students can use. -ir verbs and -re verbs should be explained consequently.

9. Months are not introduced until Chapter 4. How are you supposed to ask what the date is if the students don't know the months?

I could go on, but I think that's enough for now. Thanks for letting me vent.

Customer Review: Horizon

Book was great, but had no code for using on-line. Since it is a textbook, this was disappointing...

Could not find code anywhere else either. Had to go to QUIA to purchase code separately.
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