Thursday, January 8, 2009

Radiation Protection in Medical Radiography: Electronic Resource IER

Customer Review: Decent material; better as supplement vs. main source

I have just finished my Radiobiology & Protection class; and after a grueling semester, I have found that the Statkiewicz's book is disorganized and confusing. The author tends to hop around topics, for example: it says "see chapter 7 for more information", when you are trying to understand material from chapter 6. I was also using Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection (Radiologic Science for Technologists: Phys, Biol & Protectio) in another class, but Bushong's book also contains similiar and MUCH more organized and in-depth detailed pertinent information compartively. Bushong presented the same concepts in a more outlined format along with easy-to-read charts and tables. Some of Bushong's information does get into too much depth (no complaints there). After going through his book after Statkiewicz's, I felt like the material made a lot more sense. The only pro to using Statkiewicz is that she writes more indepth stories about the different radiation accidents.

Customer Review: No change in content

If I would have known my husband had this book before and I looked through it and not much changes since the last one. But it was required that we purchase this edition for school.
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